About 8 months ago I bought the glücksrad and you asked me to write you how my experiences with it were. So it took some time before I’m writing you, but better late than never. I am very happy with my glücksrad and I’m very happy that I tried it and I knew very quikly that I would not send it back to you.
When I started with my young horse, I wanted to train her with a bit, but after several weeks of training, she still wouldn’t acceppted the bit and got very nervous when she got the bit in and went chewing and opening her mouth all the time. So I stopped training with the bit and started with a sidepull(Lindell) and this went much better, she liked this much more and understood it very well.
I wanted to do Classical dressage with her and after a few months it still went well with the sidepull, but the communication was a bit „rough“, I had some trouble with bending her to the left and to the right and she wouldn’t flex her nek, so she walked with her nose forward and so had no collection at all and didn’t swing in het back.
I could not let her understand that she had to flex her nek when I putted some pressure on the reins. So, after I read your website and you answered some questions by e-mail I hoped that the glücksrad would work better for the dressage training.
So, today, my horse walks very well collected for her age, and bends her nek easily when I put some pressure on the reins and I can get her head very easily to the left and to the right. The chincurbe was to sharp for her (it is an Arabian), so I now use a leather chinband, this goes well, but I have to be carefull with the reins and let go emediately after she reacts on pressure, otherwise she starts pulling back.
I did a trainingweek by Nathalie Penquitt and I also do long reining dressage with her and she does all the sidepasses (schulterherein, travers….etc.) So, I think the glücksrad is very suitable for Classical dressage and works just as well as a bit and makes the horse happier. I included some photo’s of her, If you want to put them on your website, together with my story, then that is okay.
Greetings, Ragnhild Peizel
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